Welcome to the World of Holistic Wellness!
Holistic Wellness - What & Why
Components of Oneself
Summary of Dis-ease
Spiritual Well-being
Emotional Well-being
Mental Well-being
Physical Well-being
Physical Activities
Relaxed & Happy Mind
Nutrition &
super Healthy Water
Holistic Wellness - What & Why
Below picture shows the 8 aspects of Wellness.
To live in this world, we need certain Internal & External conditions.
Internal Conditions are Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Financial and Occupational.
External Conditions are Social and Environmental.
Only when all the 8 aspects of Wellness are adhered to, Life becomes Balanced and Complete each supporting the other.
Components of Oneself
Broadly oneself is made up of Body, Mind & Soul or rather Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual
There is a great connection between all the 4 types of
body and only when all the 4 bodies are in perfect sync, one can experience holistic health.
Since Mind can Induce dis-eases and illnesses, we refer dis-eases as Psycho-somatic.
Our Karma (Spiritual) and Emotional Disturbances too can trigger discomfort and dis-eases in the Body.
Japanese professor did a surprising research.
1. Acidity not only caused by diet errors, but more dominated because of Stress.
2. Hypertension not only caused by too much consumption of salty foods, but mainly because of errors in Managing emotions.
3. Cholesterol is not only caused by fatty foods, but the Excessive laziness is more responsible.
4. Asthma not only because of the disruption of oxygen supply to lungs, but often Sad feelings make lungs unstable.
5. Diabetes not only because of too much consumption of glucose, but selfish & Stubborn attitude disrupts the function of the pancreas.
True cause of any disease are :
Spiritual 50%
Psychic 25%
Social 15%
Physical 10%
If we want to be healthy, we should Fix our mind.
Summary of Dis-ease
Spiritual Well-being
Spiritual Well-being refers to how well connected Oneself is with the Higher Self and identified the larger purpose of Life. Besides doing Daily Prayer, Meditation, Puja and Worship, one can begin the day with few Gratitude/Thank You Affirmations that is the Foremost and Most Important Action Towards Abundance, Both Spiritual & Material.
My recommendation is to learn and practice Heartfulness Meditation (aka Sahaj Marg) that is being taught world-wide for NO COST.
Emotional Well-being
We humans are a bundle of emotions. Hence we need to develop a lot of Emotional Quotient (EQ) which is weighed higher than IQ.
Life is a Comedy for those who Think and
Life is a Tragedy for those who Feel.
Sad & Negative Emotions have a far reaching impact on the Mental & Physical Health.
I recommend reading Louise Hay's Best Seller Book You Can Heal Your Life to learn how to Manage our Emotions and reduce/heal Mental and Physical Health Issues as bad as Cancer.
Mental Well-being
Most of the Dis-eases are psychosomatic and also Healthy Mind leads to a Healthy Body and Vice Versa.
Studies and Research has shown that Meditation helps to Relax and Regulate our Mind. Once the mind is in still state, it can think better and make better decisions.
Physical Well-being
Good Sleep : Have a Good & Deep Sleep.
Physical Activity : Keep the body active at least 30 mins a day for at least 5 days a week.
Detox/Eliminate : I recommend drinking a high grade Aloe Vera to detox/cleanse the toxins from Food/Air/Water. Refer my blog for more info.
Nutrition : We do not get all nutrition from food alone and hence the need for Natural based Nutritional Supplements
I recommend reading the below book and also read my blog
Dr. Nandita Shah, an expert in Reversing Diabetes & Hypertension recommends the following to prevent & reverse dis-eases.
1) Eat Plant Based Food ( https://sharan-india.org/ dairy_meat_alternatives).
Dairy milk & milk products are acidic and body in order to keep it alkaline, actually leaches Calcium, Magnesium & Potassium to convert acidity in dairy milk to alkaline. There is enough Calcium & Protein in vegetables itself.
2) Eat Whole Foods instead of Processed foods.
Brown Rice/Red Rice instead of white polished rice, as the fibre in the whole foods reduce sugar absorption in the body and keeps the body healthy. Eat foods the way a monkey would eat, wholesome.
3) Eat Organically grown foods.
There are many Organic Stores in and around Chennai and other Cities/Towns and also Farmer's Market.
4) Check Vitamin D3 and take Supplements.
Only when there is enough Vitamin D3, Calcium and
Iron from other food sources will get absorbed in the
5) Check Vitamin B12 and take Supplements*
Vitamin B12, is not widely known, but Vit B12 is necessary for RBC (Red Blood Cells) creation, nervous system health and brain functioning.
Take our recommended Nutrition to have a healthy body as you don't get all nutrition, minerals, amino acids etc., from food alone. With Aloe Vera, the absorption and bio-availability of food and nutrition will be better on the body and it'll boost your Immunity.
75% of our body is water and hence we CAN'T live without water for more than 3 days.
Within the Body, 70% of Brain, 80% of Kidneys, 90% of Blood and so on are water.
Hence we are primarily Water Beings and Quality & Quantity of the Water we drink literally makes or breaks our body.
I came across something interesting about drinking water.
I was shocked to know that the water we drink is
1) Oxidised (meaning rusted, aged or dead, ORP +200 and above) causing Free Radicals Cellular damage & degeneration of the vital organs in the body.
2) Heavily Clustered (Cluster size 24) leading to dehydration as big clusters of water can't take Micro-nutrients into the nano-sized, microscopic 37 Trillion Cells in our body and flush out the toxins from the cells.
3) Acidic pH - 4-6 causing the body to leach minerals to make the body alkaline (pH 7.35-7.46)
This causes several degenerative health issues..
According to Medical science, Prime reasons for degenerative diseases including CANCER and rapid ageing are our human body becoming ACIDIC, Oxidative/Free-Radical damages of Cells and De-Hydration at Cellular level.
Human body on an average is 75% water. The quality & quantity of the water we consume daily is considered to be one of the most important factors apart from the food and exercise to keep ourselves free from diseases.
It is reported that 80% of the food we eat are acidic and the water we drink are oxidized, mostly acidic and heavy clustered thus preventing adequate hydration of the cells.
It is estimated that, by 2020 Cancer cases in India to soar 25 % and to reach a 552 Million diabetic cases globally, we are not far away. All these are predominantly due to our life style, which primarily includes the water we drink and the food we eat.
Full Kangen Water Demo that demonstrates the above 3 properties of Kangen Water
To see the shorter version of the demo, visit
Heart Health : My Close friend's Premature Death prompted me to share the below information to Prevent & Reverse Heart Dis-eases ..
My Uncle recently went through a Open Heart Surgery and he is recovering now..
Some interesting facts about Heart is
1) Heart is the first organ to develop within 3 weeks of conception and generally it is a long lasting organ.
2) All cells in our body have electric charge, roughly -90 mV, but only heart cells are at -125 mV, thats why we'll hear about all organs getting Cancer, but never or rarely heart cancer.
3) RECOGNIZING A STROKE, Thank God for the sense to remember the "3" steps,** STR**. Read and Learn Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify.
Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
S: Ask the individual to SMILE.
T: Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (coherently) i.e., "It is sunny out today").
R: Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.
If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call Emergency immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
4) If you’re still cooking up your resolutions for the new year, we have a humble suggestion for you: add CPR training to your list. CPR helps keep blood and oxygen flowing and dramatically increases the chances of survival in those who suffer a cardiac arrest.
Good Information by Dr. B.M Hegde on Heart Dis-eases, Angiogram and bypsss,
Dr. Torres, a 70 yr old Cardiologist & Heart Surgeon from Philippines Heart Centre Recommends Big5 (a combination of Aloe Vera, Omega 3 and other 3 Nutritional Supplements) to get rid of blocks in arteries instead of an expensive and stressful Angioplasty.
Angioplasty ₹2.5-3 lacs
Big 5 - Less than ₹25,000 for 3 months
This combination is also good for High BP & Other Cardiovascular/Heart Dis-eases.
பாரம்பரிய வைத்தியர் treats heart artery blocks without Angioplasty. A friend of mine from Kerala confirmed that he is giving results and people are flocking to him..costing only ₹2500/-
Wonderful and blessed information...Thanks for sharing love
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